CR1616 battery: Innovation and application of micro-energy

Jack May 21, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving scientific and technological environment, micro batteries play a vital role in a variety of devices. As a member of this field, CR1616 battery has become a research hotspot for its unique performance and wide range of applications.

and wide range of applications.   What is a CR1616 battery

What is a CR1616 battery

The CR1616 battery is a small lithium coin battery, which belongs to a kind of button battery. Such batteries are typically used in small devices that require a compact power supply. In the name "CR1616", the CR represents the Lithium battery, and the number "1616" refers to the size of the battery: 16 mm in diameter and 1.6 mm in thickness. This type of battery typically outputs at 3 volts, has a high energy density and a long service life. Due to its small size, the CR1616 battery is ideal for electronic devices that require a small size power supply.

CR1616 battery development history

The development of the CR1616 battery can be traced back to the early 1980s, when rapid advances in technology drove the need for miniaturized power solutions. From its initial design to the present day, the CR1616 has undergone several generations of technological innovations, including optimization of electrode materials, improvement of electrolytes, and enhancement of production processes. These advances not only improve the battery's energy efficiency ratio, but also greatly enhance its environmental adaptability and safety.

CR1616 battery specifications and features

The CR1616 battery is a small lithium coin battery widely used in small devices that require a compact power supply. The following details the technical specifications and features of the CR1616 battery:

Technical specification

1. Battery type: Lithium coin battery.

2. Nominal voltage: 3 volts (V).

3. Diameter: 16 mm (mm)

4. Thickness: 1.6 mm (mm).

5. Standard capacitance: The typical value is 55 to 70 mAh, this range depends on the manufacturer and the specific design of the battery.

6. Maximum continuous current: Usually not more than 0.2 mA.

7. Temperature range: The operating temperature range is wide, usually between -20°C and +70°C.

Main characteristics

High energy density: CR1616 batteries are considered to have a high energy density due to their high capacitance and small size, making them suitable for applications with limited volume and weight.

Stable voltage output: The ability to provide a near-constant 3V voltage output for most of its service life is critical for devices that require a stable power supply.

Long life: The long life provided by lithium batteries means that replacement frequency can be reduced, maintenance costs can be reduced and equipment reliability can be improved.

Environmental adaptability: It can operate normally over a wide temperature range, making it suitable for applications under various environmental conditions.

CR1616 battery has a wide range of applications

Because of its unique size and high energy density characteristics, CR1616 batteries have a wide range of applications in many fields. This battery is able to provide reliable power in a compact space, making it the power solution of choice for many portable and small devices. The following are the main application areas of CR1616 batteries:

1. Smart wearable devices: CR1616 batteries are widely used in various types of wearable devices, such as smart watches, health monitoring bracelets and other fitness trackers. These devices require a persistent and stable power source to operate for long periods of time, especially for continuous health monitoring and data recording.

2. Medical devices: In the medical field, CR1616 batteries are used in a variety of portable medical instruments and devices, such as hearing AIDS, blood sugar monitors, and other diagnostic instruments. These devices require a reliable power supply to ensure accuracy and continuity.

3. Car keys and remote controls: Modern car keys and remote controls often use CR1616 batteries to provide power, especially those models with keyless entry and start systems. The small size and long life of the battery is ideal for these applications.

4. Electronic toys and games: Small electronic toys, handheld gaming devices and other entertainment electronic products are also commonly used CR1616 batteries to provide adequate power and portability.

5. Computers and communication devices: In some computers and communication devices, CR1616 batteries are used as CMOS batteries to save BIOS Settings and system clocks. In addition, certain small data storage devices and backup systems also use this battery to ensure data security.

6. Safety and emergency devices: CR1616 batteries are also commonly used in safety sensors, smoke alarms and other safety monitoring devices, which require miniaturized power solutions to maintain their functionality and efficiency.

In summary, the small size, high energy output and long life characteristics of CR1616 batteries make them play an important role in many high-tech, medical, security, and everyday consumer electronics products. The reliability and adaptability of this battery makes it ideal for supporting modern portable devices.

The application of CR1616 batteries has had a significant impact

As a high-efficiency, small-size lithium coin battery, the CR1616 battery has had a significant impact in a number of applications, especially in terms of portability, technological innovation and environmental impact.

First, the miniaturized design of the CR1616 battery greatly enhances the device's portability and user experience. The batteries are used in a wide range of wearable devices, medical monitoring instruments and other electronic products that require a small power source. Smartwatches and health tracking devices, for example, are able to provide long periods of operation with the help of such small batteries, without additional devices

Second, the CR1616 battery also promotes technological innovation, especially in iot and smart home devices. These devices, such as smart locks and wireless sensors, rely on small, durable power sources for long periods of operation and high performance. The use of CR1616 batteries makes these devices more intelligent and automated, greatly improving the convenience and safety of life. For example, smart sensors mounted on doors and Windows can continuously monitor the security status of the home without the user having to replace the battery frequently.

Finally, despite the convenience brought by the CR1616 battery, its use as a single-use lithium battery also raises concerns about battery recycling and environmental impact. The battery must be properly disposed of after use, otherwise it may cause environmental pollution. Therefore, battery recycling and environmentally friendly design have become a common concern for battery manufacturers and users. This has driven more research into the sustainability and environmental protection of battery technology.

In conclusion, the wide application of CR1616 batteries, while improving device performance and user experience, also brings new challenges and opportunities for environmental responsibility and technological innovation.


To sum up, the CR1616 battery is not just a small power solution, it's

Developments and applications demonstrate the cutting edge of modern battery technology. With the continuous development of technology, it is expected that the CR1616 will show its unique value in more areas, especially in the process of pushing the new generation of electronic devices to be more efficient and environmentally friendly. For the future, continued optimization of CR1616 battery performance and cost reduction will be the main direction of research to meet the global demand for efficient and reliable power supplies.

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